Carpet Cleaning by Clover

Cleaning your carpets is, in itself, a gigantic chore to get through. Between the number of supplies you may need and the techniques you must be familiar with, it can take the wind out of anyone. But, in the end, no one wants to add wait time over the weight of this chore. So, if you find yourself frantically searching, “How long does it take for the carpet to dry after cleaning?” Trust us, that is not an unusual step to take. A whole world of reasons and insights may result in a longer drying time for your carpet.

And these are the points we will be diving into in this article. Figuratively speaking, any homeowner should ask the question, “What makes my carpet tick?” There are a plethora of reasons why certain caring methods may not suit your carpet… And you might not know of them. But, there is no need to worry, many of us did not take carpet lessons in home economies either. However, it is never too late to begin. Before you have to call in your local cleaning company, here are a few things you should know!

Choose a cleaning method that’s appropriate for your carpet type

There is an age-old truth that adheres to this situation as well: “One size does not fit all” and therefore, your cleaning method should be compatible with its drying procedure. This choice will be the most significant factor in determining the drying time. This is a fact well-known by drying agencies. So, if you were to reach out for a consultation to for example- Carpet Cleaning by Clover, this point would be the basis of the information shared. Although you may currently be stuck in the trenches and waiting impatiently for your carpet to dry… It is useful to keep this information on deck the next time this task peeks its head up.

That said, one of the most common cleaning methods used by companies, is “hot water extraction.” This is specifically because it does not hurt the material of most carpets. And you may be surprised to learn that this might be the procedure you are familiar with as well. Outside the business, this is merely known as “steam cleaning.” Now, it is one of the most common processes known because its drying time can be estimated. 

Methods That Promise Short Drying Times

Now, while this may be the meat of this article for some, it is important to remember that these procedures have both- advantages and disadvantages. Namely, as these are chemically induced, they have a relatively quick drying time. This is typically in the duration of 2 to 4 hours. After that, you will be left with a renewed carpet. However, processes such as “Chem-Dry,” “Oxy-Fresh” or any others, may reduce the lifespan of your carpet in the long run. As the names suggest, these processes can prove very aggressive for their purpose. Although they can effectively remove your carpets’ moisture, they should be administered by a reliable agency. If not, you risk rapid deterioration of your carpet’s materials and reducing the softness of your trusted matting.

So in comparison to “hot water extraction” cleaning, these options may give you the upper hand in their quick-drying, but there are definitive disadvantages. You should understand your priorities when it comes to picking between choices. If the condition of your carpet demands a deep clean as well as a fast drying service, dry cleaning will be your go-to.

Select Efficient Cleaning Experts

This may seem like a no-brainer to some but, the speed at which your carpet dries will be greatly impacted by its servicer. Of course, they will- by no means- become a wizard in drying your carpet quicker than possible… However, the techniques used and their knowledge in aligning the best cleaning method to your carpet are factors that will affect how quickly the process finishes. Specifically speaking, their dedication to removing the excessive moisture will play a significant role as well. At companies, such as Zerorez, this task is handled by renowned technicians who take pride in getting the job done effectively. However, if their services are not available to you- it is advisable that you find agencies with an equal level of commitment.

Of course, if you are having difficulty figuring out the right technicians for you, here are a few steps you may take to get started:

  • Ask close family and friends for recommendations on trusted agencies.
  • Compare and contrast agencies’ websites and check for their certifications. These can be easy hints to finding out the level of their expertise.

The One Factor You Cannot Fight: Humidity

It should be no surprise that this process must have its limits against Mother Nature. After all, we are dealing with trying to evaporate water at a faster speed. But, on days when the weather is not on our side and the levels of humidity have risen, only so much can be done. Now, you may be able to seek the assistance of purely indoor companies. However, if you are carrying on this task at home, patience is all that is needed. The air around your carpet must be dryer than the water content it contains. You may wait until this change in weather occurs naturally, or- you can assist with the drying procedure with your trusted air conditioning unit. 

While this alternative may help your carpet further along, reaching the finish line will still take a couple of hours. In this case, the best outcome may be that you find yourself with a learning curve. And on days when this chore needs to be checked off of the list, ensure you have checked the weather forecast as well.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your carpet can seem like a boring or, perhaps, daunting task. However, like most chores, introducing yourself to its world of information can make it a bit more exciting. And- in this case- help you learn the factors that impact the drying time of your carpet!

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